A Year of Gifts
Each of us is gifted with certain talents. Your talents look different from mine and this is part of the beauty of expertise. We all have those certain things that come easily for us. Maybe we don’t even consider them talents because they feel so natural. Hopefully, we find ourselves using our talents to earn a living or to enjoy specific things in our free time.
A third rewarding way to utilize our talents and expertise is through volunteering. Helping others is one of those gifts in life where you often get back more than you give. Do you volunteer? If you do, you know what I’m talking about. Think about your own “super powers”. How could you use those powers to serve others?
The possibilities are endless. In the words of the immortal William Shakespeare: The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. Most volunteers go quietly about their business with the sole purpose of helping others. They don’t do it for the recognition or any personal gain. Sometimes they volunteer as a way to pass the time, but just as often, volunteers are people who make time to share their gifts with the world. Volunteers have big hearts. I love programs in school that encourage kids to volunteer. It gives them the opportunity to experience all the unexpected side benefits of helping others. Volunteering can help you feel healthier, boost your mood, lower your stress and allow you to feel gratitude for all the blessings in your own life. It can be as simple as watching for ways to help someone else, even when they don’t ask for help. Maybe you can shovel your elderly neighbor’s driveway or mow their grass when you are out doing your own. Where can you make an impact? Life offers us an amazing number of gifts. Sharing our time and talents with others is one of those special gifts that help the one giving as much as it helps the one receiving. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world! Kim
3/25/2018 11:00:44
Love it! I'm trying to gear up to get really serious about my blog. I really think I can help people but I have been hiding it out of fear. I would love to volunteer more too, but I need to wait until my youngest is a bit older to do anything regularly. For now I help when I can. You inspire me.
3/25/2018 13:41:44
Blythe-you are already helping people with your book and I know your blog will help others, too. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. You have so much to offer! Enjoy the time with your soon, too, there is a season for everything.
Evie Holstad
4/1/2018 08:40:32
I loved reading your blog this morning it really gave me a idea of volunteering any options thank you and have a great day
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Kimberly Diede AuthorHello everyone and welcome to my blog! My name is Kimberly Diede and I'm a fiction author and family girl. When time permits, I am happiest with a great cup of coffee in one hand and a book in the other. I love to alternate between reading and writing. Winters here can be long, dark and cold. Summers are unpredictable, lovely and always too short. Every season of the year, as in every season of life, is a gift. Let's celebrate it together! Categories